Compare commits
No commits in common. "example" and "master" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
[submodule "eink/eink"]
path = eink/eink
url =
[submodule "eink/uart"]
path = eink/uart
url =
[submodule "eink/io"]
path = eink/io
url =
[submodule "eink/util"]
path = eink/util
url =
[submodule "eink/flash"]
path = eink/flash
url =
[submodule "eink/avr-libstdcpp"]
path = eink/avr-libstdcpp
url =
@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Atmel Studio Solution File, Format Version 11.00
VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.23107.0
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{E66E83B9-2572-4076-B26E-6BE79FF3018A}") = "eink", "eink\eink.cppproj", "{DCE6C7E3-EE26-4D79-826B-08594B9AD897}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|AVR = Debug|AVR
Release|AVR = Release|AVR
GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
{DCE6C7E3-EE26-4D79-826B-08594B9AD897}.Debug|AVR.ActiveCfg = Debug|AVR
{DCE6C7E3-EE26-4D79-826B-08594B9AD897}.Debug|AVR.Build.0 = Debug|AVR
{DCE6C7E3-EE26-4D79-826B-08594B9AD897}.Release|AVR.ActiveCfg = Release|AVR
{DCE6C7E3-EE26-4D79-826B-08594B9AD897}.Release|AVR.Build.0 = Release|AVR
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
#pragma once
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "eink_spi.hpp"
#include "font.hpp"
#include "otp.hpp"
#include "../clock.hpp"
#include "../flash/flash.hpp"
#include "../io/io.hpp"
#include "../util/util.hpp"
namespace eink {
template <std::uint16_t Width, std::uint16_t Height, typename Spi, io::P RstPin, io::P BusyPin>
class Eink {
using word_t = typename Spi::word_t;
struct original_lut_tag {
static io::Pin<RstPin> m_rst;
static io::Pin<BusyPin> m_busy;
enum class Cmd : std::uint8_t {
SW_RESET = 0x12,
READ_RAM = 0x27,
WRITE_LUT = 0x32,
enum class Color : std::uint8_t {
BLACK = 0x00,
RED = 0x01,
WHITE = 0x02,
enum class RamDirection : std::uint8_t {
enum class FastestMovingIndex : std::uint8_t {
X = 0,
Y = 1,
static void init()
setDataEntryMode(RamDirection::DECREMENT, RamDirection::INCREMENT, FastestMovingIndex::X);
static void sendCommand(const Cmd command)
Spi::write(static_cast<word_t>(command), true);
static void sendData(word_t data)
Spi::write(data, false);
static word_t readData()
const auto res = Spi::read();
return res;
static void waitUntilIdle()
while (m_busy) {
static void reset()
m_rst = true;
m_rst = false;
m_rst = true;
static void softReset()
static void update()
template <typename Lut = original_lut_tag>
static void update(const Lut &lut)
constexpr auto USE_ORIGINAL_LUT = std::is_same_v<Lut, original_lut_tag>;
if constexpr (!USE_ORIGINAL_LUT) {
sendData(USE_ORIGINAL_LUT ? 0xF7 : 0xC7);
template <typename RleImage>
static void draw(const RleImage &rleImage)
constexpr auto sendImageChannel = [](const auto command, const auto &image) {
using image_t = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(image)>;
for (auto j = std::size_t{0}; j < std::tuple_size_v<image_t>; ++j) {
const auto [count, data] = flash::loadLike<RleImage>(image[j]);
for (auto i = std::uint16_t{0}; i < count; ++i) {
if (command == Cmd::WRITE_RAM_BLACK) {
} else {
sendImageChannel(Cmd::WRITE_RAM_BLACK, std::get<0>(rleImage.value));
sendImageChannel(Cmd::WRITE_RAM_RED, std::get<1>(rleImage.value));
static void clear(const Color color = Color::WHITE)
constexpr auto getFillData = [](const auto &color) -> std::pair<std::uint8_t, std::uint8_t> {
switch (color) {
case Color::BLACK:
return {0x00, 0x00};
case Color::RED:
return {0xFF, 0xFF};
case Color::WHITE:
return {0xFF, 0x00};
return {0xFF, 0x00};
const auto fillData = getFillData(color);
for (auto i = std::uint16_t{0}; i < Width * Height / 8; i++) {
for (auto i = std::uint16_t{0}; i < Width * Height / 8; i++) {
static void drawText(const std::pair<std::uint8_t, std::uint8_t> &pos, const char *text,
const Color textColor = Color::BLACK, const Color backgroundColor = Color::WHITE,
const std::uint8_t scaling = 1)
const auto textLength = std::strlen(text);
constexpr auto getXScreenCoordinates = [](const std::uint8_t pos) { return (Width - pos - 1) / 8; };
constexpr auto flipEndianness = [](const std::uint8_t value) {
auto flippedVal = std::uint8_t{0};
for (auto i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
const auto oldBit = (value >> i) & 1;
flippedVal |= oldBit << (8 - i - 1);
return flippedVal;
const auto adjustColor = [&](const auto &data, const auto command) {
auto backgroundData = data;
auto outData = data & 0x00;
if (command == Cmd::WRITE_RAM_BLACK) {
if (backgroundColor == Color::BLACK) {
backgroundData = 0x00;
} else if (backgroundColor == Color::RED || backgroundColor == Color::WHITE) {
backgroundData = 0xFF;
if (textColor == Color::BLACK) {
outData = backgroundData & ~data;
} else if (textColor == Color::RED || textColor == Color::WHITE) {
outData = backgroundData | data;
} else {
if (backgroundColor == Color::BLACK || backgroundColor == Color::WHITE) {
backgroundData = 0x00;
} else if (backgroundColor == Color::RED) {
backgroundData = 0xFF;
if (textColor == Color::BLACK || textColor == Color::WHITE) {
outData = backgroundData & ~data;
} else if (textColor == Color::RED) {
outData = backgroundData | data;
return outData;
const auto sendChannel = [&](const auto command) {
for (auto i = std::size_t{0}; i < textLength; ++i) {
const auto posX = pos.first + i * 8 * scaling;
const auto screenPosX = getXScreenCoordinates(posX);
setRamRange({screenPosX, screenPosX - (scaling - 1)}, {pos.second, pos.second + 8 * scaling - 1});
for (auto j = std::uint8_t{0}; j < 8; ++j) {
const auto fontByte = flash::loadLike<decltype(FONT_8X8)>(FONT_8X8.value[text[i]][j]);
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(fontByte)>, std::uint8_t>);
const auto dataByte = adjustColor(flipEndianness(fontByte), command);
auto scaledByte = std::uint8_t{0};
auto bitCounter = 0;
for (auto sy = std::uint8_t{0}; sy < scaling; ++sy) {
for (auto b = std::uint8_t{0}; b < 8; ++b) {
const auto currentBit = dataByte >> (8 - b - 1) & 1;
for (auto sx = std::uint8_t{0}; sx < scaling; ++sx) {
scaledByte |= currentBit << (8 - bitCounter - 1);
if (++bitCounter == 8) {
scaledByte = 0;
bitCounter = 0;
template <typename Lut>
static void writeLut(const Lut &lut)
static_assert(sizeof(lut) == sizeof(Waveform), "Invalid LUT size");
for (auto i = std::size_t{0}; i < sizeof(lut); ++i) {
const auto lutByte = lut[i];
static_assert(std::is_same_v<std::byte, std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(lutByte)>>, "Invalid LUT value type");
static void autoPatternFill()
constexpr auto RED_PATTERN_FILL_CMD = static_cast<Cmd>(0x46);
constexpr auto BLACK_PATTERN_FILL_CMD = static_cast<Cmd>(0x47);
constexpr auto RED_PATTERN = 0b0'001'0'001;
constexpr auto BLACK_PATTERN = 0b1'000'0'000;
static void setDataEntryMode(const RamDirection &xDir = RamDirection::INCREMENT,
const RamDirection &yDir = RamDirection::INCREMENT,
const FastestMovingIndex &fastestMovingIndex = FastestMovingIndex::X)
auto setting = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(xDir) << 0;
setting |= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(yDir) << 1;
setting |= static_cast<std::uint8_t>(fastestMovingIndex) << 2;
static void setRamRange(const std::pair<std::uint8_t, std::uint8_t> &xrange = {Width / 8 - 1, 0},
const std::pair<std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t> &yrange = {0, Height - 1})
sendData(xrange.first & 0b00111111);
sendData(xrange.second & 0b00111111);
sendData(yrange.first & 0xFF);
sendData((yrange.first >> 8) & 0b1);
sendData(yrange.second & 0xFF);
sendData((yrange.second >> 8) & 0b1);
static void setRamXPos(const std::uint8_t pos = Width / 8 - 1)
sendData(pos & 0b00111111);
static void setRamYPos(const std::uint16_t pos = 0)
sendData(pos & 0xFF);
sendData((pos >> 8) & 0b1);
template <typename PrintFn>
static void dumpOTP(PrintFn &&printFn)
constexpr auto byteWidth = Width / 8;
constexpr auto ramHeight = Height + 46;
constexpr auto xRamRange = std::pair<std::uint8_t, std::uint8_t>{0, byteWidth - 1};
constexpr auto yRamRange = std::pair<std::uint16_t, std::uint16_t>{0, ramHeight - 1};
setDataEntryMode(RamDirection::INCREMENT, RamDirection::INCREMENT, FastestMovingIndex::X);
setRamRange(xRamRange, yRamRange);
for (auto i = std::uint16_t{0}; i < byteWidth * ramHeight; i++) {
for (auto i = std::uint16_t{0}; i < byteWidth * ramHeight; i++) {
readData(); // First byte must be discarded
for (auto i = std::size_t{0}; i < sizeof(OTP); ++i) {
static void sleep()
} // namespace eink
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
# Makefile for AVR C++ projects
# From:
# ----- Update the settings of your project here -----
# Hardware
MCU = atmega328p
AVRDUDE_PARAMS = -c atmelice_isp
FUSES = -U lfuse:w:0xff:m -U hfuse:w:0xd7:m -U efuse:w:0xfd:m
# Parameters
PROJECT = $(lastword $(subst /, ,$(CURDIR)))
INCS = -isystem avr-libstdcpp/include
# ----- These configurations are quite likely not to be changed -----
# Binaries
GCC = avr-gcc
G++ = avr-g++
RM = rm -f
AVRDUDE = avrdude
OBJCOPY = avr-objcopy
OBJDUMP = avr-objdump
SIZE = avr-size
# Files
EXT_C = c
EXT_C++ = cpp
EXT_ASM = asm
# ----- No changes should be necessary below this line -----
$(patsubst %.$(EXT_C),%.o,$(wildcard *.$(EXT_C)) $(wildcard **/*.$(EXT_C))) \
$(patsubst %.$(EXT_C++),%.o,$(wildcard *.$(EXT_C++)) $(wildcard **/*.$(EXT_C++))) \
$(patsubst %.$(EXT_ASM),%.o,$(wildcard *.$(EXT_ASM)) $(wildcard **/*.$(EXT_ASM)))
# Linker and compiler flags
LDFLAGS += -Wl,-Map=$(PROJECT).map
LDFLAGS += -Wl,--gc-sections -mrelax
CFLAGS += -std=c17
CFLAGS += -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -mrelax
CFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes
CFLAGS += -mmcu=$(MCU)
C++FLAGS += -Os
C++FLAGS += -std=c++20
C++FLAGS += -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -mrelax
C++FLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wno-array-bounds
C++FLAGS += -mmcu=$(MCU)
ASMFLAGS += -funsigned-char -funsigned-bitfields -fshort-enums -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-threadsafe-statics -mrelax
ASMFLAGS += -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -Wstrict-prototypes
ASMFLAGS += -x assembler-with-cpp
ASMFLAGS += -mmcu=$(MCU)
all: $(PROJECT).elf $(OBJECTS) $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT).srec $(PROJECT).eeprom $(PROJECT).lss
$(SIZE) -C --mcu=$(MCU) $(PROJECT).elf
%.elf: $(OBJECTS)
%.o: %.$(EXT_C)
$(GCC) $(CFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.$(EXT_C++)
$(G++) $(C++FLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.o: %.$(EXT_ASM)
$(G++) $(ASMFLAGS) -c $< -o $@
%.hex: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O ihex $< $@
%.srec: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -j .text -j .data -O srec $< $@
%.eeprom: %.elf
$(OBJCOPY) -j .eeprom --change-section-lma .eeprom=0 -O ihex $< $@
%.lss: %.elf
$(OBJDUMP) -h -S $< > $@
$(RM) $(PROJECT).elf $(OBJECTS) $(PROJECT).hex $(PROJECT).srec $(PROJECT).eeprom $(PROJECT).lss $(PROJECT).map
flash: $(PROJECT).hex
sudo $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_PARAMS) -p $(MCU) -U flash:w:$<:i
flash-eeprom: $(PROJECT).eeprom
sudo $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_PARAMS) -p $(MCU) -U eeprom:w:$<:i
sudo $(AVRDUDE) $(AVRDUDE_PARAMS) -p $(MCU) -e
@echo "usage:"
@echo " make <target>"
@echo ""
@echo "targets:"
@echo " all Builds everything"
@echo " clean Remove any non-source files"
@echo " flash Flashes firmware"
@echo " flash-eeprom Flashes eeprom"
@echo " flash-fuses Flashes fuses"
@echo " flash-erase Erases entire chip including eeprom"
@echo " help Shows this help"
@echo " config Shows the current configuration"
@echo " show-mcu Show list of all possible MCUs"
@echo "configuration:"
@echo ""
@echo "Binaries for:"
@echo " C compiler: $(GCC)"
@echo " C++ compiler: $(G++)"
@echo " remove files $(RM)"
@echo " Programmer: $(AVRDUDE)"
@echo " Obj copier: $(OBJCOPY)"
@echo " Obj dumper: $(OBJDUMP)"
@echo " Size calc: $(SIZE)"
@echo ""
@echo "Hardware settings:"
@echo " MCU: $(MCU)"
@echo " Avrdude params: $(AVRDUDE_PARAMS)"
@echo " Fuses: $(FUSES)"
@echo ""
@echo "Project settings:"
@echo " Project name: $(PROJECT)"
@echo " Include dirs: $(INCS)"
@echo " Library dirs: $(LIBS)"
@echo " Preprocessor defs: $(DEFS)"
@echo " C compiler flags: $(CFLAGS)"
@echo " C++ compiler flags: $(C++FLAGS)"
@echo " ASM compiler flags: $(ASMFLAGS)"
@echo " Linker flags: $(LDFLAGS)"
@echo ""
@echo "Defaults:"
@echo " C-files: *.$(EXT_C)"
@echo " C++-files: *.$(EXT_C++)"
@echo " ASM-files: *.$(EXT_ASM)"
$(G++) --target-help
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit d289637d14cb9928a3690be4f2934aa2920f0f38
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#define F_CPU 16'000'000
#include <util/delay.h>
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 827decfcbd19a2e40a76e70992c10af133b60416
@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="" ToolsVersion="14.0">
<UncachedRange />
<EraseKey />
<framework-data xmlns="">
<options />
<configurations />
<files />
<documentation help="" />
<offline-documentation help="" />
<content-extension eid="atmel.asf" uuidref="Atmel.ASF" version="3.47.0" />
<ToolName>Custom Programming Tool</ToolName>
<Label>Lss Files</Label>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' ">
<avrgcc.compiler.optimization.level>Optimize for size (-Os)</avrgcc.compiler.optimization.level>
<avrgcc.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>-fno-threadsafe-statics -std=c17</avrgcc.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>
<avrgcccpp.compiler.optimization.level>Optimize for size (-Os)</avrgcccpp.compiler.optimization.level>
<avrgcccpp.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>-fno-threadsafe-statics -Wextra -Wno-array-bounds -std=c++20 -isystem"%24(ProjectDir)/avr-libstdcpp/include"</avrgcccpp.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
<avrgcc.compiler.optimization.level>Optimize (-O1)</avrgcc.compiler.optimization.level>
<avrgcc.compiler.optimization.DebugLevel>Maximum (-g3)</avrgcc.compiler.optimization.DebugLevel>
<avrgcc.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>-fno-threadsafe-statics -std=c17</avrgcc.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>
<avrgcccpp.compiler.optimization.level>Optimize (-O1)</avrgcccpp.compiler.optimization.level>
<avrgcccpp.compiler.optimization.DebugLevel>Maximum (-g3)</avrgcccpp.compiler.optimization.DebugLevel>
<avrgcccpp.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>-fno-threadsafe-statics -Wextra -std=c++20 -isystem"%24(ProjectDir)/avr-libstdcpp/include"</avrgcccpp.compiler.miscellaneous.OtherFlags>
<avrgcccpp.assembler.debugging.DebugLevel>Default (-Wa,-g)</avrgcccpp.assembler.debugging.DebugLevel>
<Compile Include="clock.hpp">
<Compile Include="eink\eink_spi.hpp">
<Compile Include="eink\eink.hpp">
<Compile Include="eink\font.hpp">
<Compile Include="eink\otp.hpp">
<Compile Include="flash\flash.hpp">
<Compile Include="image.hpp">
<Compile Include="io\io.hpp">
<Compile Include="main.cpp">
<Compile Include="uart\config.hpp">
<Compile Include="uart\hardware.hpp">
<Compile Include="uart\hardware0.hpp">
<Compile Include="uart\hardware1.hpp">
<Compile Include="uart\software.hpp">
<Compile Include="uart\uart.hpp">
<Compile Include="util\util.hpp">
<Folder Include="flash" />
<Folder Include="io" />
<Folder Include="eink" />
<Folder Include="util" />
<Folder Include="uart" />
<Import Project="$(AVRSTUDIO_EXE_PATH)\\Vs\\Compiler.targets" />
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit ceec87f9219c1a380ff29dd93545d2596d9c8165
@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <cstdint>
#include "flash/flash.hpp"
constexpr auto RLE_IMAGE = flash::Wrapper{std::tuple{
std::to_array<std::pair<std::uint8_t, std::uint8_t>>({
{255, 0xff}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0x0f}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {7, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe},
{1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x07},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x03},
{1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x1e}, {1, 0x67}, {1, 0x80},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xe7},
{1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0c}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0x02}, {1, 0x3f},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x03}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0xfd}, {1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfd}, {1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xc7}, {1, 0x8e}, {1, 0xf7}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xbf}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {2, 0x01}, {7, 0xff}, {1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f}, {1, 0xf7}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xc7}, {1, 0x8e}, {1, 0x06}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x03},
{1, 0x00}, {7, 0xff}, {1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f}, {1, 0x80}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf1}, {2, 0xc7},
{1, 0x0e}, {1, 0x3f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {6, 0xff},
{1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x00}, {2, 0x3f}, {1, 0xf1}, {2, 0xc7}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x3f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x0c}, {1, 0x1e}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xe3}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x3f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0xe3}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x1e}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x04}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x3f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0xc7}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc7}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x47}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x3f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x87}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc7}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x3f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {6, 0xff}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xc7}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc7},
{2, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x07}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xef}, {1, 0x87},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xbf}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xc7}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x7d}, {1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x03}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x30},
{1, 0xc7}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x31}, {1, 0xe7}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x07},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x7c}, {1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x03}, {5, 0xff},
{1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xf1}, {2, 0xf8}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x03},
{5, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0xe0},
{1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xf3}, {2, 0xf8}, {1, 0x7f},
{1, 0x01}, {7, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf9}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1},
{1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xf9}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x81}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xfd},
{1, 0xf0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x81}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1},
{19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xed}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xbf}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xf7}, {1, 0xe1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xdb},
{1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xe1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xd7}, {1, 0xe3}, {1, 0xf1},
{19, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xd7}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xf1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0},
{1, 0x7e}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x9f}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xf1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0x8f}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xe1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3e}, {2, 0x0f}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xe1},
{19, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3c}, {2, 0x0f}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xc1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1c},
{1, 0x06}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xc1}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x81},
{19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x81}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0x81}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x81}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {3, 0x00},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x01}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x1e}, {1, 0x01}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe},
{3, 0x00}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x01}, {20, 0xff}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x10}, {1, 0x01}, {20, 0xff}, {1, 0x80},
{3, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {20, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {20, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {3, 0x00},
{1, 0x01}, {20, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {20, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x01},
{21, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {255, 0xff},
{255, 0xff}, {135, 0xff}, {1, 0x83}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x3f},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x0f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x1f}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x03}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x01}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {2, 0x00}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x03},
{1, 0xfe}, {2, 0x00}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x03},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {10, 0xff},
{1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x83}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f},
{1, 0x81}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0},
{1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x81}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x81}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x81}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x3f},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f},
{1, 0x83}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {2, 0x07},
{1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f},
{11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x78},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f},
{11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x20}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x01}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x78}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff},
{1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f},
{1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x81}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x81}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {10, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x0e}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x03},
{1, 0x80}, {1, 0x7f}, {10, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x03},
{1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xff}, {2, 0x00}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x80},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80},
{1, 0x03}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xfc},
{1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x07}, {15, 0xff}, {1, 0x80},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f},
{255, 0xff}, {255, 0xff}, {217, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {4, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf9}, {24, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfa}, {1, 0x1f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe1}, {1, 0x1f}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xc1}, {1, 0x0f}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x81}, {1, 0x8f}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x87}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x87}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xec}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x37}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x47}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xe7}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x3e}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0xc7}, {8, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x43}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0x80}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x30},
{2, 0x00}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x87}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x43}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x60}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x60}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x0e},
{1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x23}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x38}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x6c}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x18}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xfe},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x23}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x0e}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x7e},
{2, 0x00}, {1, 0x60}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x03}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x13}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x66}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {3, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x17}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x66}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x01}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x70}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x36}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0c}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xc0}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x01},
{3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3c}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x30}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x01}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x06}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x7f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x7f},
{2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x60}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x06}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x3c}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x80}, {1, 0x7f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x38}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x18}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x40}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x3f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x0c}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x60}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x01},
{1, 0x80}, {1, 0x01}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x3f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x33}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xf0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x02}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x60}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0c},
{2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x04}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x1f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x01}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x7c}, {1, 0x06}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x04}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x06}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x08}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x18}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x0c}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x08},
{1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x18}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x30}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x30}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07},
{2, 0xff}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x08}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x03}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x60}, {3, 0x00}, {1, 0x0c},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x10}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x80},
{3, 0x00}, {1, 0x06}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x10}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x01}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0},
{1, 0x07}, {4, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x10}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xfe},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x0c}, {5, 0x00}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x08},
{2, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0xe4}, {1, 0x3f},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x30}, {5, 0x00}, {1, 0x30}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc7},
{1, 0xd8}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0xc4},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x60}, {5, 0x00}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xdf}, {1, 0xf8}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x02},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0x80}, {5, 0x00}, {1, 0x06}, {1, 0x07}, {3, 0xff},
{1, 0xfc}, {2, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x0f},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe3}, {6, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x87}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {2, 0x00},
{1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x01}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xec}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0xc7}, {4, 0xff}, {2, 0x00}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x37}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0x80},
{1, 0x01}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x43}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {4, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff},
{1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x23}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x07}, {5, 0xff},
{1, 0xfc}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x31}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x13},
{1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb},
{3, 0xff}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {7, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {8, 0xff},
{1, 0xfb}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xfe}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xfb}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0},
{1, 0x7f}, {1, 0xfe}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf9}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfd}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {18, 0xff},
{1, 0xfc}, {5, 0x00}, {1, 0x01}, {201, 0xff},
std::to_array<std::pair<std::uint8_t, std::uint8_t>>({
{8, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x9f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x9f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x9f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xce}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe7}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x9f}, {1, 0xcf}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xbc}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xcf}, {21, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {21, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f},
{21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x1f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xc8}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x19}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xc8}, {1, 0x80},
{1, 0x00}, {1, 0x10}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {21, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f},
{21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x01},
{22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xbe}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xcf}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xc7}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe7}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x9f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x9f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x9f},
{22, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {8, 0xff}, {1, 0x87},
{15, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x07}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {15, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x03}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {15, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x03}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {15, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0xfb}, {5, 0xff},
{1, 0x87}, {15, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xff}, {2, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc2}, {1, 0x0f},
{1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x7c}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xff}, {2, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3c},
{1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x1f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x7f}, {2, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc0},
{1, 0x03}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc1}, {1, 0xc3}, {2, 0x87}, {1, 0x7e}, {1, 0x1e},
{1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc1},
{1, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x1e}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x3f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x03}, {2, 0xe1}, {2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x7f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0xc1}, {2, 0xe1}, {2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0f},
{1, 0x87}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x7f}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {2, 0xff}, {3, 0xe1},
{2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x86}, {1, 0x0e}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x08}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {2, 0xff},
{2, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc1}, {2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x86}, {1, 0x1e}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x88}, {12, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe7}, {1, 0xc1}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc1}, {2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x06},
{1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x88}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xe0},
{1, 0x01}, {2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x06}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xc1}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x01}, {2, 0xc3}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xc1}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x61},
{2, 0xc3}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0x82}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0xc3}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {11, 0xff},
{1, 0xc3}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {11, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {10, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x0f}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {10, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x1f}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {10, 0xff},
{1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x3f}, {12, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xcf}, {24, 0xff},
{1, 0xcf}, {16, 0xff}, {75, 0x00}, {16, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0xf0}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xf0}, {21, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xf0}, {21, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xe0},
{21, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x81}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x0f}, {2, 0x1f}, {17, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x81}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x07}, {2, 0x1f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x89}, {1, 0xc0}, {1, 0xf1}, {1, 0x87}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x88}, {1, 0xc8}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc7}, {1, 0x8e}, {1, 0x3f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{1, 0xff}, {2, 0x88}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0x8e}, {1, 0x3f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x8c}, {1, 0x88}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xc6}, {1, 0x3f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x8c}, {1, 0x18}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x43}, {1, 0xc4}, {1, 0x7f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x8e}, {1, 0x18}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xc4}, {1, 0x7f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x8e}, {1, 0x38}, {1, 0xe3}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0xe4}, {1, 0x7f}, {17, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0x8e}, {1, 0x38}, {1, 0xe1}, {1, 0x83}, {1, 0xe0}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f},
{1, 0x38}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0xf0}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x8f}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x23}, {1, 0xf1}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {3, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf1},
{18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0xf1}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0xc3}, {18, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {5, 0xff}, {1, 0x83}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {4, 0xff}, {2, 0x0f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{4, 0xff}, {1, 0x0f}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f},
{19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0x80}, {1, 0x07}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {19, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x84},
{1, 0x03}, {1, 0x18}, {1, 0x7f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x8c}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x00},
{1, 0x3f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {2, 0xff}, {1, 0x0c}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {2, 0xff}, {2, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe},
{2, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x1f},
{1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x3f}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f},
{1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x7e}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f},
{18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x1f}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff},
{1, 0xf1}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x0f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe1},
{1, 0xff}, {1, 0xc3}, {1, 0x9f}, {1, 0x1f}, {18, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {1, 0xff}, {1, 0xe3}, {22, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff},
{1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3}, {24, 0xff}, {1, 0xf3},
{8, 0xff}, {75, 0x00}, {98, 0xff}, {1, 0x81}, {23, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x7f}, {22, 0xff},
{1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8},
{1, 0x3e}, {1, 0x0f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x23},
{1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x03}, {1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {2, 0x07}, {22, 0xff},
{1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x06}, {1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xe0}, {1, 0x1c}, {1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0},
{1, 0x38}, {1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x7f}, {1, 0x07}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf0}, {1, 0x7f},
{1, 0x0f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xf8}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x0f}, {22, 0xff}, {1, 0xfc}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x1f},
{22, 0xff}, {1, 0xfe}, {1, 0x00}, {1, 0x3f}, {23, 0xff}, {1, 0x81}, {255, 0xff}, {255, 0xff}, {255, 0xff},
{255, 0xff}, {81, 0xff},
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 5407e94337257216067d98b86f03bbd898040fca
@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
#include "clock.hpp"
#include <array>
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "eink/eink.hpp"
#include "flash/flash.hpp"
#include "io/io.hpp"
#include "uart/uart.hpp"
#include "image.hpp"
using uart_t = uart::Uart0<uart::Config<115200>>;
using spi_t = eink::Spi<io::P::C4, io::P::C5, io::P::C3, io::P::C2>;
using eink_t = eink::Eink<200, 200, spi_t, io::P::C1, io::P::C0>;
using eink::Voltage::VSH1;
using eink::Voltage::VSH2;
using eink::Voltage::VSL1;
using eink::Voltage::VSS1;
constexpr auto
.lut = {{{
{.phaseD = VSH1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSH1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSH2, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSH2, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSH2, .phaseC = VSH2, .phaseB = VSH2, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSH2, .phaseB = VSH2, .phaseA = VSH2},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSL1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSH1, .phaseC = VSH1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSH1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSH2, .phaseC = VSL1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSH2, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSH2, .phaseC = VSH2, .phaseB = VSH2, .phaseA = VSL1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSH2, .phaseB = VSH2, .phaseA = VSH2},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSL1, .phaseA = VSH1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
{.phaseD = VSS1, .phaseC = VSS1, .phaseB = VSS1, .phaseA = VSS1},
.timings =
.frameCountPhaseA = 32,
.frameCountPhaseB = 16,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 19,
.frameCountPhaseD = 20,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 3,
.frameCountPhaseB = 3,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 6,
.frameCountPhaseC = 12,
.frameCountPhaseD = 10,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 3,
.frameCountPhaseB = 4,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 3,
.frameCountPhaseD = 4,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 10,
.frameCountPhaseA = 3,
.frameCountPhaseB = 3,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 10,
.frameCountPhaseC = 22,
.frameCountPhaseD = 2,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 3,
.frameCountPhaseB = 3,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 3,
.frameCountPhaseC = 0,
.frameCountPhaseD = 0,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 2,
.frameCountPhaseB = 2,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 3,
.frameCountPhaseC = 5,
.frameCountPhaseD = 5,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 1,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 22,
.frameCountPhaseB = 20,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 20,
.frameCountPhaseD = 0,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 0,
.frameCountPhaseB = 0,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 0,
.frameCountPhaseD = 0,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 4,
.frameCountPhaseB = 5,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 3,
.frameCountPhaseD = 40,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 2,
.frameCountPhaseA = 2,
.frameCountPhaseB = 3,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 3,
.frameCountPhaseD = 50,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 1,
.frameCountPhaseA = 6,
.frameCountPhaseB = 3,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 34,
.frameCountPhaseD = 5,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameCountPhaseA = 4,
.frameCountPhaseB = 5,
.repeatSubPhaseAB = 0,
.frameCountPhaseC = 5,
.frameCountPhaseD = 1,
.repeatSubPhaseCD = 0,
.repeat = 0,
.frameRates = {2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2},
.subPhaseGateStates = {},
static inline consteval auto createFastWaveformLut(const flash::Wrapper<eink::Waveform> &original)
auto fastWaveformLut = original.value;
for (auto i = std::size_t{0}; i < std::size(fastWaveformLut.timings) - 1; ++i) {
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].frameCountPhaseA = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].frameCountPhaseB = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].repeatSubPhaseAB = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].frameCountPhaseC = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].frameCountPhaseD = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].repeatSubPhaseCD = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[i].repeat = 0;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].frameCountPhaseA = 4;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].frameCountPhaseB = 5;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].repeatSubPhaseAB = 2;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].frameCountPhaseC = 5;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].frameCountPhaseD = 1;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].repeatSubPhaseCD = 2;
fastWaveformLut.timings[11].repeat = 4;
return flash::Wrapper{fastWaveformLut};
constexpr auto FAST_WAVEFORM_LUT = createFastWaveformLut(ORIGINAL_WAVEFORM_LUT);
void dumpOTP(eink_t &einkDisplay, uart_t &serial)
constexpr auto printWidth = 16;
auto printedCnt = std::size_t{0};
einkDisplay.dumpOTP([&serial, &printedCnt](const auto &data) {
constexpr auto printAddress = true;
if (printedCnt > 0 && printedCnt % printWidth == 0) {
serial << F("\r\n");
if (printAddress && printedCnt % printWidth == 0) {
serial << F("0x");
serial.txNumber<std::size_t, 16, 4>(printedCnt);
serial << F(": ");
serial << F("0x");
serial.txNumber<std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(data)>, 16, 2>(data);
serial << F(", ");
serial << F("\r\n");
int main()
uart_t serial;
serial << F("e-Paper demo") << F("\r\n");
auto einkDisplay = eink_t{};
serial << F("e-Paper init") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper dump OTP") << F("\r\n");
dumpOTP(einkDisplay, serial);
serial << F("e-Paper clear") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper update") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper draw fast") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper update") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper clear") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper update") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper draw") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper update") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper clear") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper update") << F("\r\n");
serial << F("e-Paper draw text") << F("\r\n");
const auto startX = 16;
const auto startY = 58;
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY}, "B->B: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY}, "Black on black", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::BLACK);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 10}, "B->R: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 10}, "Black on red", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::RED);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 20}, "B->W: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 20}, "Black on white", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 30}, "R->B: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 30}, "Red on black", eink_t::Color::RED, eink_t::Color::BLACK);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 40}, "R->R: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 40}, "Red on red", eink_t::Color::RED, eink_t::Color::RED);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 50}, "R->W: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 50}, "Red on white", eink_t::Color::RED, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 60}, "W->B: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 60}, "White on black", eink_t::Color::WHITE, eink_t::Color::BLACK);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 70}, "W->R: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 70}, "White on red", eink_t::Color::WHITE, eink_t::Color::RED);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX, startY + 80}, "W->W: ", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
einkDisplay.drawText({startX + 6 * 8, startY + 80}, "White on white", eink_t::Color::WHITE, eink_t::Color::WHITE);
serial << F("e-Paper update") << F("\r\n");
einkDisplay.drawText({0, 0 * 5 * 8}, "Big", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE, 5);
einkDisplay.drawText({0, 1 * 5 * 8}, "scale", eink_t::Color::BLACK, eink_t::Color::WHITE, 5);
einkDisplay.drawText({0, 2 * 5 * 8}, "O.o", eink_t::Color::RED, eink_t::Color::WHITE, 5);
serial << F("e-Paper sleep") << F("\r\n");
while (true) {
serial << F("e-Paper running") << F("\r\n");
return 0;
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 419b86999db8735728da2536021351611273d643
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 62efd1cb26b5e36a49743ac14ac8da25a3f1142c
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
#pragma once
#include "../clock.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <cstdint>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include "../io/io.hpp"
#include "../util/util.hpp"
namespace eink {
template <io::P SclPin, io::P SdaPin, io::P CsPin, io::P DcPin, std::uint32_t Freq = 100'000>
class Spi {
template <std::uint32_t StaticClockCycles>
static constexpr double calcClockDelay()
constexpr auto maxFrequency = F_CPU / StaticClockCycles;
static_assert(Freq <= maxFrequency, "SPI frequency not achievable using selected clock speed");
constexpr auto staticDelay = (1.0 * 1000 * 1000 / maxFrequency);
const auto delayUs = ((1.0 * 1000 * 1000 / Freq) - staticDelay) / 2;
return (delayUs > 0 ? delayUs : 0);
static constexpr double calcWriteClockDelay()
return calcClockDelay<8>();
static constexpr double calcReadClockDelay()
return calcClockDelay<5>();
static constexpr auto THREE_WIRE_SPI = (DcPin == io::P::NONE);
using word_t = std::conditional_t<THREE_WIRE_SPI, std::uint16_t, std::uint8_t>;
static void init()
sm_scl = false;
sm_cs = true;
static void write(word_t data, const bool command = true)
constexpr auto numBits = THREE_WIRE_SPI ? 9 : 8;
const auto oldInterruptState = disableInterrupts();
if constexpr (THREE_WIRE_SPI) {
if (command) {
data &= ~(1 << 8);
} else {
data |= 1 << 8;
sm_dc = !command;
[&](const auto idx) {
constexpr auto bitPos = numBits - idx.value - 1;
sm_sda = data >> bitPos & 1;
static word_t read()
constexpr auto numBits = 8;
const auto oldInterruptState = disableInterrupts();
if constexpr (THREE_WIRE_SPI) {
sm_sda = true;
sm_dc = true;
auto res = word_t{};
[&](const auto idx) {
constexpr auto bitPos = numBits - idx.value - 1;
const auto receivedBit =;
res |= word_t{receivedBit} << bitPos;
return res;
static inline void select(const bool selectState)
sm_cs = !selectState;
static io::Pin<SclPin> sm_scl;
static io::Pin<SdaPin> sm_sda;
static io::Pin<CsPin> sm_cs;
static io::Pin<DcPin> sm_dc;
static constexpr auto WRITE_DELAY_US = calcWriteClockDelay();
static constexpr auto READ_DELAY_US = calcReadClockDelay();
static inline std::uint8_t disableInterrupts()
const auto oldInterruptState = SREG;
return oldInterruptState;
static inline void enableInterrupts(const std::uint8_t oldInterruptState)
SREG = oldInterruptState;
} // namespace eink
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
#include "../flash/flash.hpp"
namespace eink {
constexpr auto FONT_8X8 = flash::Wrapper{std::to_array<std::array<std::uint8_t, 8>>({
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0000 (nul)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0001
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0002
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0003
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0004
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0005
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0006
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0007
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0008
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0009
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+000A
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+000B
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+000C
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+000D
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+000E
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+000F
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0010
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0011
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0012
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0013
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0014
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0015
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0016
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0017
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0018
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0019
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+001A
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+001B
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+001C
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+001D
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+001E
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+001F
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0020 (space)
{0x18, 0x3C, 0x3C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00, 0x18, 0x00}, // U+0021 (!)
{0x36, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0022 (")
{0x36, 0x36, 0x7F, 0x36, 0x7F, 0x36, 0x36, 0x00}, // U+0023 (#)
{0x0C, 0x3E, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x30, 0x1F, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+0024 ($)
{0x00, 0x63, 0x33, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x66, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+0025 (%)
{0x1C, 0x36, 0x1C, 0x6E, 0x3B, 0x33, 0x6E, 0x00}, // U+0026 (&)
{0x06, 0x06, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0027 (')
{0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00}, // U+0028 (()
{0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x00}, // U+0029 ())
{0x00, 0x66, 0x3C, 0xFF, 0x3C, 0x66, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+002A (*)
{0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+002B (+)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06}, // U+002C (,)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+002D (-)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+002E (.)
{0x60, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x01, 0x00}, // U+002F (/)
{0x3E, 0x63, 0x73, 0x7B, 0x6F, 0x67, 0x3E, 0x00}, // U+0030 (0)
{0x0C, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x3F, 0x00}, // U+0031 (1)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x30, 0x1C, 0x06, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x00}, // U+0032 (2)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x30, 0x1C, 0x30, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0033 (3)
{0x38, 0x3C, 0x36, 0x33, 0x7F, 0x30, 0x78, 0x00}, // U+0034 (4)
{0x3F, 0x03, 0x1F, 0x30, 0x30, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0035 (5)
{0x1C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x1F, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0036 (6)
{0x3F, 0x33, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+0037 (7)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0038 (8)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3E, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0E, 0x00}, // U+0039 (9)
{0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+003A (:)
{0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x06}, // U+003B (;)
{0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x03, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00}, // U+003C (<)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+003D (=)
{0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x06, 0x00}, // U+003E (>)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x30, 0x18, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+003F (?)
{0x3E, 0x63, 0x7B, 0x7B, 0x7B, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0040 (@)
{0x0C, 0x1E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00}, // U+0041 (A)
{0x3F, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3E, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3F, 0x00}, // U+0042 (B)
{0x3C, 0x66, 0x03, 0x03, 0x03, 0x66, 0x3C, 0x00}, // U+0043 (C)
{0x1F, 0x36, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x36, 0x1F, 0x00}, // U+0044 (D)
{0x7F, 0x46, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x16, 0x46, 0x7F, 0x00}, // U+0045 (E)
{0x7F, 0x46, 0x16, 0x1E, 0x16, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x00}, // U+0046 (F)
{0x3C, 0x66, 0x03, 0x03, 0x73, 0x66, 0x7C, 0x00}, // U+0047 (G)
{0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00}, // U+0048 (H)
{0x1E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0049 (I)
{0x78, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+004A (J)
{0x67, 0x66, 0x36, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x66, 0x67, 0x00}, // U+004B (K)
{0x0F, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x46, 0x66, 0x7F, 0x00}, // U+004C (L)
{0x63, 0x77, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x6B, 0x63, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+004D (M)
{0x63, 0x67, 0x6F, 0x7B, 0x73, 0x63, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+004E (N)
{0x1C, 0x36, 0x63, 0x63, 0x63, 0x36, 0x1C, 0x00}, // U+004F (O)
{0x3F, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3E, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x00}, // U+0050 (P)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3B, 0x1E, 0x38, 0x00}, // U+0051 (Q)
{0x3F, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3E, 0x36, 0x66, 0x67, 0x00}, // U+0052 (R)
{0x1E, 0x33, 0x07, 0x0E, 0x38, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0053 (S)
{0x3F, 0x2D, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0054 (T)
{0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3F, 0x00}, // U+0055 (U)
{0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+0056 (V)
{0x63, 0x63, 0x63, 0x6B, 0x7F, 0x77, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+0057 (W)
{0x63, 0x63, 0x36, 0x1C, 0x1C, 0x36, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+0058 (X)
{0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0059 (Y)
{0x7F, 0x63, 0x31, 0x18, 0x4C, 0x66, 0x7F, 0x00}, // U+005A (Z)
{0x1E, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x06, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+005B ([)
{0x03, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x30, 0x60, 0x40, 0x00}, // U+005C (\)
{0x1E, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+005D (])
{0x08, 0x1C, 0x36, 0x63, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+005E (^)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF}, // U+005F (_)
{0x0C, 0x0C, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+0060 (`)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x30, 0x3E, 0x33, 0x6E, 0x00}, // U+0061 (a)
{0x07, 0x06, 0x06, 0x3E, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3B, 0x00}, // U+0062 (b)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x33, 0x03, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0063 (c)
{0x38, 0x30, 0x30, 0x3e, 0x33, 0x33, 0x6E, 0x00}, // U+0064 (d)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x33, 0x3f, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0065 (e)
{0x1C, 0x36, 0x06, 0x0f, 0x06, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x00}, // U+0066 (f)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3E, 0x30, 0x1F}, // U+0067 (g)
{0x07, 0x06, 0x36, 0x6E, 0x66, 0x66, 0x67, 0x00}, // U+0068 (h)
{0x0C, 0x00, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+0069 (i)
{0x30, 0x00, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E}, // U+006A (j)
{0x07, 0x06, 0x66, 0x36, 0x1E, 0x36, 0x67, 0x00}, // U+006B (k)
{0x0E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+006C (l)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x6B, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+006D (m)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x1F, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00}, // U+006E (n)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x1E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x00}, // U+006F (o)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x66, 0x66, 0x3E, 0x06, 0x0F}, // U+0070 (p)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3E, 0x30, 0x78}, // U+0071 (q)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3B, 0x6E, 0x66, 0x06, 0x0F, 0x00}, // U+0072 (r)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3E, 0x03, 0x1E, 0x30, 0x1F, 0x00}, // U+0073 (s)
{0x08, 0x0C, 0x3E, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x2C, 0x18, 0x00}, // U+0074 (t)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x6E, 0x00}, // U+0075 (u)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x1E, 0x0C, 0x00}, // U+0076 (v)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x63, 0x6B, 0x7F, 0x7F, 0x36, 0x00}, // U+0077 (w)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x63, 0x36, 0x1C, 0x36, 0x63, 0x00}, // U+0078 (x)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33, 0x33, 0x3E, 0x30, 0x1F}, // U+0079 (y)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x3F, 0x19, 0x0C, 0x26, 0x3F, 0x00}, // U+007A (z)
{0x38, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x38, 0x00}, // U+007B ({)
{0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00, 0x18, 0x18, 0x18, 0x00}, // U+007C (|)
{0x07, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x38, 0x0C, 0x0C, 0x07, 0x00}, // U+007D (})
{0x6E, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}, // U+007E (~)
{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} // U+007F
} // namespace eink
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
namespace eink {
enum class Voltage : std::uint8_t {
VSS1 = 0b00,
VSH1 = 0b01,
VSL1 = 0b10,
VSH2 = 0b11,
struct [[gnu::packed]] Phases
Voltage phaseD : 2;
Voltage phaseC : 2;
Voltage phaseB : 2;
Voltage phaseA : 2;
static_assert(sizeof(Phases) == 1);
struct [[gnu::packed]] VoltageGroups
Phases group[12];
static_assert(sizeof(VoltageGroups) == 12);
struct [[gnu::packed]] Timings
std::uint8_t frameCountPhaseA;
std::uint8_t frameCountPhaseB;
std::uint8_t repeatSubPhaseAB;
std::uint8_t frameCountPhaseC;
std::uint8_t frameCountPhaseD;
std::uint8_t repeatSubPhaseCD;
std::uint8_t repeat;
static_assert(sizeof(Timings) == 7);
struct [[gnu::packed]] FrameRates
std::uint8_t group11 : 4;
std::uint8_t group10 : 4;
std::uint8_t group9 : 4;
std::uint8_t group8 : 4;
std::uint8_t group7 : 4;
std::uint8_t group6 : 4;
std::uint8_t group5 : 4;
std::uint8_t group4 : 4;
std::uint8_t group3 : 4;
std::uint8_t group2 : 4;
std::uint8_t group1 : 4;
std::uint8_t group0 : 4;
static_assert(sizeof(FrameRates) == 6);
struct [[gnu::packed]] SubPhaseGateStates
bool group11SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group11SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group10SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group10SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group9SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group9SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group8SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group8SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group7SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group7SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group6SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group6SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group5SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group5SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group4SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group4SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group3SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group3SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group2SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group2SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group1SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group1SubPhaseAB : 1;
bool group0SubPhaseCD : 1;
bool group0SubPhaseAB : 1;
static_assert(sizeof(SubPhaseGateStates) == 3);
struct [[gnu::packed]] Waveform
VoltageGroups lut[5];
Timings timings[12];
FrameRates frameRates;
SubPhaseGateStates subPhaseGateStates;
static_assert(sizeof(Waveform) == 153);
enum class LutEndOption : std::uint8_t {
NORMAL = 0x22,
static_assert(sizeof(LutEndOption) == 1);
enum class GateVoltage : std::uint8_t {
V_20_DEFAULT = 0x00,
V_10 = 0x03,
V_10_5 = 0x04,
V_11 = 0x05,
V_11_5 = 0x06,
V_12 = 0x07,
V_12_5 = 0x08,
V_13 = 0x09,
V_13_5 = 0x0A,
V_14 = 0x0B,
V_14_5 = 0x0C,
V_15 = 0x0D,
V_15_5 = 0x0E,
V_16 = 0x0F,
V_16_5 = 0x10,
V_17 = 0x11,
V_17_5 = 0x12,
V_18 = 0x13,
V_18_5 = 0x14,
V_19 = 0x15,
V_19_5 = 0x16,
V_20 = 0x17,
static_assert(sizeof(GateVoltage) == 1);
enum class VoltageSourceHigh : std::uint8_t {
V_9 = 0x23,
V_9_2 = 0x24,
V_9_4 = 0x25,
V_9_6 = 0x26,
V_9_8 = 0x27,
V_10 = 0x28,
V_10_2 = 0x29,
V_10_4 = 0x2A,
V_10_6 = 0x2B,
V_10_8 = 0x2C,
V_11 = 0x2D,
V_11_2 = 0x2E,
V_11_4 = 0x2F,
V_11_6 = 0x30,
V_11_8 = 0x31,
V_12 = 0x32,
V_12_2 = 0x33,
V_12_4 = 0x34,
V_12_6 = 0x35,
V_12_8 = 0x36,
V_13 = 0x37,
V_13_2 = 0x38,
V_13_4 = 0x39,
V_13_6 = 0x3A,
V_13_8 = 0x3B,
V_14 = 0x3C,
V_14_2 = 0x3D,
V_14_4 = 0x3E,
V_14_6 = 0x3F,
V_14_8 = 0x40,
V_15 = 0x41,
V_15_2 = 0x42,
V_15_4 = 0x43,
V_15_6 = 0x44,
V_15_8 = 0x45,
V_16 = 0x46,
V_16_2 = 0x47,
V_16_4 = 0x48,
V_16_6 = 0x49,
V_16_8 = 0x4A,
V_17 = 0x4B,
V_2_4 = 0x8E,
V_2_5 = 0x8F,
V_2_6 = 0x90,
V_2_7 = 0x91,
V_2_8 = 0x92,
V_2_9 = 0x93,
V_3 = 0x94,
V_3_1 = 0x95,
V_3_2 = 0x96,
V_3_3 = 0x97,
V_3_4 = 0x98,
V_3_5 = 0x99,
V_3_6 = 0x9A,
V_3_7 = 0x9B,
V_3_8 = 0x9C,
V_3_9 = 0x9D,
V_4 = 0x9E,
V_4_1 = 0x9F,
V_4_2 = 0xA0,
V_4_3 = 0xA1,
V_4_4 = 0xA2,
V_4_5 = 0xA3,
V_4_6 = 0xA4,
V_4_7 = 0xA5,
V_4_8 = 0xA6,
V_4_9 = 0xA7,
V_5 = 0xA8,
V_5_1 = 0xA9,
V_5_2 = 0xAA,
V_5_3 = 0xAB,
V_5_4 = 0xAC,
V_5_5 = 0xAD,
V_5_6 = 0xAE,
V_5_7 = 0xAF,
V_5_8 = 0xB0,
V_5_9 = 0xB1,
V_6 = 0xB2,
V_6_1 = 0xB3,
V_6_2 = 0xB4,
V_6_3 = 0xB5,
V_6_4 = 0xB6,
V_6_5 = 0xB7,
V_6_6 = 0xB8,
V_6_7 = 0xB9,
V_6_8 = 0xBA,
V_6_9 = 0xBB,
V_7 = 0xBC,
V_7_1 = 0xBD,
V_7_2 = 0xBE,
V_7_3 = 0xBF,
V_7_4 = 0xC0,
V_7_5 = 0xC1,
V_7_6 = 0xC2,
V_7_7 = 0xC3,
V_7_8 = 0xC4,
V_7_9 = 0xC5,
V_8 = 0xC6,
V_8_1 = 0xC7,
V_8_2 = 0xC8,
V_8_3 = 0xC9,
V_8_4 = 0xCA,
V_8_5 = 0xCB,
V_8_6 = 0xCC,
V_8_7 = 0xCD,
V_8_8 = 0xCE,
static_assert(sizeof(VoltageSourceHigh) == 1);
enum class VoltageSourceLow : std::uint8_t {
NEG_5 = 0x0A,
NEG_5_5 = 0x0C,
NEG_6 = 0x0E,
NEG_6_5 = 0x10,
NEG_7 = 0x12,
NEG_7_5 = 0x14,
NEG_8 = 0x16,
NEG_8_5 = 0x18,
NEG_9 = 0x1A,
NEG_9_5 = 0x1C,
NEG_10 = 0x1E,
NEG_10_5 = 0x20,
NEG_11 = 0x22,
NEG_11_5 = 0x24,
NEG_12 = 0x26,
NEG_12_5 = 0x28,
NEG_13 = 0x2A,
NEG_13_5 = 0x2C,
NEG_14 = 0x2E,
NEG_14_5 = 0x30,
NEG_15 = 0x32,
NEG_15_5 = 0x34,
NEG_16 = 0x36,
NEG_16_5 = 0x38,
NEG_17 = 0x3A,
static_assert(sizeof(VoltageSourceLow) == 1);
struct [[gnu::packed]] SourceVoltage
VoltageSourceHigh vsh1;
VoltageSourceHigh vsh2;
VoltageSourceLow vsl;
static_assert(sizeof(SourceVoltage) == 3);
enum class CommonVoltage : std::uint8_t {
NEG_0_2 = 0x08,
NEG_0_3 = 0x0C,
NEG_0_4 = 0x10,
NEG_0_5 = 0x14,
NEG_0_6 = 0x18,
NEG_0_7 = 0x1C,
NEG_0_8 = 0x20,
NEG_0_9 = 0x24,
NEG_1 = 0x28,
NEG_1_1 = 0x2C,
NEG_1_2 = 0x30,
NEG_1_3 = 0x34,
NEG_1_4 = 0x38,
NEG_1_5 = 0x3C,
NEG_1_6 = 0x40,
NEG_1_7 = 0x44,
NEG_1_8 = 0x48,
NEG_1_9 = 0x4C,
NEG_2 = 0x50,
NEG_2_1 = 0x54,
NEG_2_2 = 0x58,
NEG_2_3 = 0x5C,
NEG_2_4 = 0x60,
NEG_2_5 = 0x64,
NEG_2_6 = 0x68,
NEG_2_7 = 0x6C,
NEG_2_8 = 0x70,
NEG_2_9 = 0x74,
NEG_3 = 0x78,
static_assert(sizeof(CommonVoltage) == 1);
struct [[gnu::packed]] WaveformSetting
Waveform waveform;
LutEndOption lutEndOption;
GateVoltage gateVoltage;
SourceVoltage sourceVoltage;
CommonVoltage commonVoltage;
static_assert(sizeof(WaveformSetting) == 159);
struct [[gnu::packed]] TemperatureRange
std::uint8_t lowerBoundLowBits;
std::uint8_t lowerBoundHighBits : 4;
std::uint8_t upperBoundLowBits : 4;
std::uint8_t upperBoundHighBits;
inline constexpr operator std::pair<float, float>() const
constexpr auto convertTemp = [](const auto &temp) {
auto signedTemp = static_cast<std::int16_t>(temp);
if (signedTemp >> 11 & 1) {
signedTemp |= 0b1111 << 12;
const auto tempDegrees = signedTemp / 16.0f;
return tempDegrees;
const auto lowerBound = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(lowerBoundHighBits) << 8 | lowerBoundLowBits;
const auto upperBound = static_cast<std::uint16_t>(upperBoundHighBits) << 4 | upperBoundLowBits;
return {convertTemp(lowerBound), convertTemp(upperBound)};
static_assert(sizeof(TemperatureRange) == 3);
struct [[gnu::packed]] OTP
WaveformSetting waveforms[36];
TemperatureRange temperatures[36];
static_assert(sizeof(OTP) == 5832);
} // namespace eink
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